nedjelja, 27. srpnja 2014.

Three Wishes

Sigurno ste svi bar jednom u životu razmišljali o željama koje biste voljeli da vam se mogu ispuniti?

Poslušajte (i pročitajte) šta su odgovorili stanovnici Londona na pitanje "If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?"  OVDJE.

Ovdje možete pročitati još neke od mnogobrojnih komentara koje su dali posjetioci BBC-jeve stranice:

If I had three wishes, it would be:
1. No illness (health).
2. No sadness (happiness)
3. No wars (peace)

If I caught a golden fish, my first wish would be happy family life. The second one would be to travel around the world. And also I wish people would be more concerned about each other, not to think only of themselves and their own needs.

My three wishes:
1- a world without terrorism and poverty.
2- a good family.
3- love for humankind.

My three wishes could be to speak English very well at last, to find a good job and to get pregnant and have a baby...

Peace, Health and Justice

My three wishes are:
1-Live with my dog
2-Travel in all states
3- Buy a lemon tree to drink freshly sqeezed lemon juice

My wishes would be :
- travel around the world, discover countries, cultures, people.
- hapiness for my family, my friends.
- breathe under water.

Does anyone have enough money to buy love, warmth or friendship? I think, not. Can people just be happy with love and health? Nobody can. It seems that just for this very reason nobody could make a good wish.

Na kraju nam ostaje samo da vas pitamo:
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

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