četvrtak, 31. srpnja 2014.

The UK: 100 Questions Answered - Q1

U rubrici The UK: 100 Questions Answered donosimo vam selekciju pitanja i odgovora iz knjige koja odgovara na 100 najčešće postavljenih i najzanimljivijih pitanja o životu u Velikoj Britaniji.

Krenut ćemo sa prvim pitanjem (koje inače muči i veliku većinu naših polaznika):

Q1. What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?

The United Kingdom is made up of the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Great Britain, on the other hand, comprises only England, Scotland and Wales. It is the largest island of the British Isles. Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic form the second largest island.

The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are not part of the United Kingdom. They are largely self-governing with their own legislative assemblies and systems of law. The British Government is, however, responsible for their defence and international relations.

Drugim riječima, tj. Vennovim dijagramom, to izgleda ovako:

srijeda, 30. srpnja 2014.

The male brain, the female brain

Da li ljudski mozak kod žena i kod muškaraca jednako funkcionira?

U prilogu BBC-a možete poslušati šta stručnjaci iz ove oblasti kažu o tome.

Radi što kvalitetnijeg iskorištavanja priloga, obratite pažnju na sljedeće:

  • Možete odlučiti da prilog koristite isključivo kao vježbu razumijevanja slušanja. U tom slučaju, dovoljno je da kliknete na tipku LISTEN na flash playeru.
  • Možete odlučiti da dok slušate istovremeno pratite zapis teksta. Taj zapis ćete pronaći gore desno (Downloads - Text).
  • Možete vježbu razumijevanja slušanja pretvoriti u vježbu razumijevanja čitanja, tako što ćete zanemariti audio zapis i pratiti samo tekst.
  • U bilo kojem slučaju, preporučljivo je da obratite pažnju na odjeljak Vocabulary (dolje). Tu su istaknute neke od težih riječi i izraza iz teksta, važnih za uspješno razumijevanje. Ispod svake riječi / izraza dato je i njihovo pojašnjenje.
Prilog se nalazi OVDJE.

utorak, 29. srpnja 2014.

Mein Weg nach Deutschland, Ep. 2

Evo i druge epizode serijala Mein Weg nach Deutschland.

U prvoj epizodi Nevin je krenula na Biro za zapošljavanje, a u ovom nastavku već je tamo. Da li je odmah uspjela i pronaći posao provjerite OVDJE.

Ako ste propustili prvi dio, možete ga pronaći OVDJE.

nedjelja, 27. srpnja 2014.

Three Wishes

Sigurno ste svi bar jednom u životu razmišljali o željama koje biste voljeli da vam se mogu ispuniti?

Poslušajte (i pročitajte) šta su odgovorili stanovnici Londona na pitanje "If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?"  OVDJE.

Ovdje možete pročitati još neke od mnogobrojnih komentara koje su dali posjetioci BBC-jeve stranice:

If I had three wishes, it would be:
1. No illness (health).
2. No sadness (happiness)
3. No wars (peace)

If I caught a golden fish, my first wish would be happy family life. The second one would be to travel around the world. And also I wish people would be more concerned about each other, not to think only of themselves and their own needs.

My three wishes:
1- a world without terrorism and poverty.
2- a good family.
3- love for humankind.

My three wishes could be to speak English very well at last, to find a good job and to get pregnant and have a baby...

Peace, Health and Justice

My three wishes are:
1-Live with my dog
2-Travel in all states
3- Buy a lemon tree to drink freshly sqeezed lemon juice

My wishes would be :
- travel around the world, discover countries, cultures, people.
- hapiness for my family, my friends.
- breathe under water.

Does anyone have enough money to buy love, warmth or friendship? I think, not. Can people just be happy with love and health? Nobody can. It seems that just for this very reason nobody could make a good wish.

Na kraju nam ostaje samo da vas pitamo:
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

petak, 25. srpnja 2014.

English In Ads

Reklamni slogani su moćan alat za prenošenje poruka u vrlo malo riječi.

Pogledajte kratak video sa nekim od najpoznatijih slogana koji je kreirao tim polaznika grupe New Inspiration 4.

Was gibt es zum Essen?

Karin danas očekuje goste.

Šta je planirala spremiti za jelo saznajte OVDJE. Uključite audio zapis razgovora, zatim odaberite odgovarajuće riječi da dopunite razgovor. Kada završite, kliknite na Prüfen radi provjere.

Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

Svi znamo da djeca uživaju u pjesmicama, nabrajalicama i igrama. Iz našeg iskustva, omiljena pjesmica na engleskom im je Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.

Pošto su pokreti sastavni dio pjesmice, djeca je uvijek prihvate s oduševljenjem, i nikad im nije dosta. Stoga preporučujemo da prvo isprobaju početnu verziju za učenje OVDJE, pa onda prijeđu na "napredniju" verziju OVDJE. Po želji možete uključiti ili isključiti titlove tipkom Captions.

Pošto znamo da će uvijek tražiti još, dobro je dati im drugačije varijante iste pjesme, recimo ovu OVDJE ili nešto proširenu verziju OVDJE. Dijelovi tijela poslije nje više nikada nisu problem.

srijeda, 23. srpnja 2014.

Alphabet - Cities

Jedan od projekata u okviru nastave za tinejdžere bio je i kreiranje tematskih abeceda. Arnela, Lejla i Suada su za svoju temu izabrale svjetske gradove. Iz njihovog projekta naučili smo puno zanimljivih činjenica. Sigurni smo da ćete i vi.

Athens is the capital city of Greece. It is one of the most famous cities in the world. The city is named after Athena. She is the goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology. Athens has a population of approximately 4 million people and is growing.
The origins of Athens date back to 3000 BC, making it one of the oldest cities in the world. It has been continuously inhabited for at least 3,000 years.
Athens is considered the cradle of Western civilisation, being the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy and literature, the Olympic Games, political science, major mathematical principles and theatre.
Berlin is the capital city of Germany. It is also the biggest city in Germany. About 3,400,000 people as of November 2008 live there.
The Berlin Wall, which stood from 1961 till 1989 was 155 km long and was guarded by 302 manned watchtowers.  Its official name was the  “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall“.
Berlin has more bridges than Venice. Berlin has around between 1400 and 1700 bridges depending on whom you ask whereas Venice only has a measly 409.
The city name can be translated as the one who won. Cairo is sometimes called "Mother of the World".Cairo has 7,947,121 people. About 17,290,000 people live in its urban area. This makes it the biggest city of the Arab World. Cairo hosts one of the oldest universities in the world, al-Azhar University, founded in 975 CE. Sunday is the first day of week; the weekend is Friday and Saturday.
Dubai or Dubayy is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. The main city of the emirate is Dubai. Dubai is home to 911 completed high-rises,88 of which stand taller than 180 metres. The biggest buildings in Dubai are Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa.
The tennis court for the Andre Agassi and Roger Federer stunt, and the golf course for Rory McIlroy stunt on Burj Al Arab's helipad both took four hours to set up.
Edinburgh  is the capital city and second largest city in Scotland. Edinburgh lies on the east coast, where the River Forth flows into the sea.
The central part is Edinburgh Castle, at the top of a steep hill. The castle has a military display every year, called a tattoo, where soldiers show their skills at marching and competitions, and there are brass bands and bands of bagpipes.
Funafuti is the capital of the small island nation of Tuvalu. It has a population of 4,492, making it the most populated atoll in this country. It is a narrow sweep of land between 20 and 400 meters wide.
The atoll comprises some 30 islets strung around a lagoon  that affords good anchorage. A U.S. military base was established there in 1942, during World War II, to combat Japanese forces in the Pacific.
Granada is a Spanish city, capital of the province of Granada, in Andalusia. With 233,000 inhabitants, it is an important artistic and cultural center. The city has several famous monuments, such as the Alhambra, the Cathedral, the Alcaiceria, and the Corral del Carbon. It is near Sierra Nevada, the highest mountain range in Spain, in the valley where the Genil and Darro rivers meet. The Darro runs through the Albaicin and the Sacromonte, two charming historical areas of the city.
Granada was a Muslim Kingdom for 800 years, which is the longest Muslim rule in Spain.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong grew quickly in the decades after World War II and now has become a famous world class financial center. Hong Kong was a British colony since 1842. In 1997, after the Handover, Hong Kong became a part of China. Hong Kong means Fragrant Harbor. The Tsing Ma Bridge is the world’s longest road and rail suspension bridge and a Hong Kong landmark.
Istanbul is the only city in the world that straddles two continents: Asia and Europe. While being the ancient capital of many empires, from Rome to the Ottoman era, it is not the modern capital of Turkey as Ankara is. Istanbul, which used to be known as Constantinople thanks to the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, is built on seven hills to match the seven hills of Rome. Istanbul has the third oldest subway in the world, built in 1875. It’s 573 meters long and located in the Beyoglu district.
Johannesburg is a city in South Africa. It is the capital of the Gauteng Province. It was founded on October 4, 1886 and has the JSE Securities Exchange, which is the largest stock exchange in Africa.
Johannesburg houses the tallest office block in Africa, the Carlton Centre (50 stories) and the tallest tower, the Hillbrow Tower (270 metres, or 90 stories). Nelson Mandela died there on 5 December 2013, aged 95. He was also given the "Freedom of the City" award.
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia, and the Federal Territory of Wilayah Persekutuan. Kuala Lumpur is home to one of the tallest buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers.
The languages commonly spoken in the city are Tamil, Behasa Melayu, English, Malay, Chinese and Hindi.
London is a big city in the southeast of England, on the River Thames. It is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. 8.3 million people live in London. London is the biggest city in the United Kingdom and in western Europe. It is the world's largest financial centre.
It is illegal to die in the Palace of Westminster. London buses were not always red. Before 1907, different routes had different-coloured buses.
Mecca is the holiest city in the Islamic world. Every year, millions of Muslims take a pilgrimage to Mecca. This is called the Hajj, where they follow in the footsteps of Muhammad. All Muslims who are able to do so are expected to do the Hajj at least once in their life. Non-Muslims aren't permitted to enter because it is a holy city.
New York City
New York City is the largest city in the United States. Over 8 million people live in it, and over 22 million people live in and around it. It is in the state of New York, which is in the northeastern United States.
The city of New York will pay for a one-way plane ticket for any homeless person if they have a guaranteed place to stay. New York City has the largest Chinese population of any city outside of Asia.
Oxford is a city in central southern England. It is the county town of Oxfordshire and forms a district within the county. Buildings in Oxford demonstrate examples of every English architectural period since the arrival of the Saxons, including the iconic, mid-18th-century Radcliffe Camera. Oxford is known as the "city of dreaming spires", a term coined by poet Matthew Arnold in his poem Thyrsis.
Paris (nicknamed the City of Light) is the capital city of France, and the largest city in that country During WWI, France built a ‘Fake Paris’ near the capital city to confuse German pilots. There is a Statue of Liberty in Paris that faces the Statue of Liberty in America, symbolizing the friendship between the two countries.
Quebec City
Quebec City is the capital of the Canadian province of Quebec. It is the second largest city in Quebec, behind Montreal. It is known for its winter fair, beautiful churches, and an old hotel called Château Frontenac. It is next to the Saint Lawrence River. There are almost 700,000 people in the whole area.
The word “Kebec” is an Algonquin word meaning where the river narrows.
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil. Until April 21, 1960 it was the capital city of Brazil. Today, it is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The name Rio de Janeiro is a Portuguese name meaning “River of January” in 1502. The 2016 Summer Olympics is planned to be in Rio.
Sydney is a city on the east coast of Australia. Sydney is the capital city of New South Wales. About four million people live in Sydney which makes it the biggest city in Australia. The Harbour Bridge is known by the locals as "The Coat Hanger" due to its distinct shape.
Tokyo "Eastern Capital" is the capital city of Japan and is a prefecture of Japan on the island of Honshu. It is officially called Tokyo Metropolis , and it includes the former Tokyo Prefecture and the former city of Tokyo. With more than 35 million people living in greater Tokyo, the city is the largest metropolitan area in the world. Space is limited. A typical size of a one bedroom apartment is usually not more than 15 square meters.
Ulaanbaatar, or Ulan Bator, is the capital and largest city of Mongolia. The city is an independent municipality not part of any province, and its population as of 2008 is just over 1 million. Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, was once a movable city which changed location over 25 times.
Venice is built on 117 small islands that are separated by 150 canals. People cross the canals by many small bridges. They can also be taken for rides along the canals in a type of boat called a gondola. The buildings in Venice are very old and attractive, and tourists come from all over the world to see them and the canals. Despite its ingenious design, the town is slowly sinking.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States. It is not a state or in a state. The President of the United States and many major national government offices are in the city. More wine is consumed per person in Washington DC than any state in the United States.
Xalapa, or Jalapa; officially Xalapa-Enríquez, is the capital city of the Mexican state of Veracruz and the name of the surrounding municipality. The local museum has an excellent archaeological collection, notably a group of colossal Olmec heads, which is displayed in the open air.
Yokohama is the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture in the Kantō region. Yokohama is a neighbor city of Tokyo. It has been the second largest city of Japan since 1980s. The capital has since expanded the facilities and operations of its own port, but Yokohama is still important in the export of machinery, iron, and steel and in the import of raw materials for the region.
Zürich is the largest city in Switzerland and the capital of the canton of Zürich. It is located in north-central Switzerland. lbert Einstein attended the University of Zurich, where he later became professor.75 percent of the people that live in Zurich do not own their own accommodation, they rent.

Present simple or present continuous?

Znate li razlikovati present simple i present continuous?

Razliku u obliku je jednostavno prikazati:

Kada upotrebljavamo jedan ili drugi oblik, jer oba se koriste za radnje u sadašnjosti?

Da biste provjerili koliko dobro koristite ova dva glagolska oblika, vježbu možete raditi OVDJE. Kada napišete odgovor, možete ga provjeriti ako kliknete na Check, a možete i zahtijevati tačan odgovor na Show Answer.

Sličnu vježbu imate i OVDJE.

on, in, at, to, ...?

Prijedlozi ili prepozicije (engl. prepositions) su vrsta riječi koja često zadaje muke onima koji uče engleski jezik.

Šta je to što ove bezazlene, često vrlo kratke, riječi čini toliko nezgodnim za svariti? Vjerovatno činjenica da se prijedlozi ne ponašaju kao većina ostalih vrsta riječi (imenice, glagoli, pridjevi...), koje uglavnom imaju značenje koje treba zapamtiti. To što neke od tih riječi imaju i više značenja opet ne predstavlja veliki problem - samo treba zapamtiti više riječi.

Međutim, kod prijedloga ne možete precizno reći šta znači in, ili on, ili at, itd. jer u različitim izrazima dobijaju različite ekvivalente u našem jeziku. Na primjer, in često koristimo tamo gdje koristimo u u našem jeziku, ali ne baš uvijek: in the picture. Spremni smo reći da on znači na, ali šta je sa on Monday? Ili at: at school, at home...

Vježbu u kojoj ćete provjeriti koliko dobro znate koristiti prijedloge možete pronaći OVDJE. Vježba se sastoji u tome da rečenice koje sadrže jednu ili više grešaka u upotrebi prijedloga prepišete tačno. Kada napišete sve rečenice, kliknite na Mark Answers da biste provjerili tačnost svojih odgovora.

Top 10 London Attractions

Znali ste da je London veoma popularno odredište za turiste iz cijelog svijeta. A jeste li znali da je zapravo najpopularnije odredište na svijetu?

Preko 30 miliona turista posjeti London svake godine, a na ovaj broj treba dodati još 26 miliona (godišnji prosjek) jednodnevnih posjeta (sa prenoćištem), uglavnom Britanaca iz drugih gradova.

Koje su najpopularnije turističke atrakcije u Londonu? Video koji pokazuje 10 najposjećenijih mjesta možete pogledati OVDJE. Po želji možete uključiti ili isključiti titlove na tipki captions.

ponedjeljak, 21. srpnja 2014.


Svi ste sigurno već igrali igru vješala?

A da probate pogoditi riječ na njemačkom jeziku prije nego vas objese? Ako smatrate da ste dovoljno dobri, probajte OVDJE. Pazite, početnici nemaju puno izgleda.

nedjelja, 20. srpnja 2014.

What's your favourite food?

O ukusima se ne raspravlja, to znamo. Ali to nije razlog da se ne raspitujemo o njima.

Video klip u kojem slučajni prolaznici u Londonu odgovaraju na pitanja o omiljenoj kuhinji, jelu i mjestu za ručanje pogledajte i poslušajte OVDJE.

A vi? What's your favourite kind of food? What's your favourite dish? What's your favourite place to eat?

Yellow Submarine

Jeste li raspoloženi za jednu laganu pjesmu o žutoj podmornici?

Pjesmu sa stihovima ćete naći OVDJE.


Znate li već imena boja u engleskom jeziku?

Da provjerite ili naučite, kliknite OVDJE. Da biste čuli kako se riječ izgovara, kliknite na ikonu zvučnika. Idite desno da vidite i čujete ostale riječi.

Do you know your onions?

Neko vam kaže "You really know your onions." i vi se nađete u čudu, jer taj izraz ranije niste čuli, a jasno vam je da nema nikakve veze sa lukom. Je li to bila uvreda? Kompliment? Da li ste iznervirali toga ko vam je to rekao? Ili mu se sviđate?

Ovo je jedan od bezbroj idioma u engleskom jeziku, gdje vam poznavanje pojedinačnih riječi u izrazu uopšte ne pomaže da znate značenje cijelog izraza.

Šta ovaj idiom znači i kako se koristi možete saznati OVDJE. Vježbu možete raditi istovremenim slušanjem i čitanjem teksta, a možete se opredijeliti za samo jednu od ove dvije vještine.

Hit / Heat?

U engleskom jeziku, u  riječima koje zovemo minimalni parovi (minimal pairs) jedan glas pravi razliku između riječi. Naprimjer, fast - past; back - bad; desk - disk, itd.

Dužinu samoglasnika  je veoma bitno razlikovati, jer je često njihova dužina ta koja pravi razliku u minimalnim parovima: sit - seat; hut - heart, pot - port, itd. U ovim primjerima, podvučena slova se u prvoj riječi izgovaraju kao kratak samoglasnik /i//a//o/, a u drugoj riječi taj samoglasnik je dug.

U ovoj vježbi imate mogućnost da provjerite razliku između riječi sa kratkim, odnosno dugim, glasom /i/.

Kako se vježba radi? Na slici počinjete putovanje na broju 1. Tu ćete čuti riječ sa jednim od ova dva glasa. Ako smatrate da riječ ima kratko /i/, skrenite lijevo do broja 2. Ako smatrate da riječ ima dugo /i/, skrenite desno/ do broja 2. Tu slušajte novu riječ, i ponovite proceduru do zadnjeg, 4. zadatka (skrećite lijevo ili desno). Na kraju ćete doći u jedan od gradova na slici. Tada ćete čuti u koji grad ste trebali doći ako ste zadatak uradili pravilno.

Zvuči komplikovano? Da uopšte nije, uvjerite se OVDJE

subota, 19. srpnja 2014.

General Knowledge Quiz

Jeste li za kviz (pa još na engleskom!)?

Provjerite svoje opšte znanje (a ujedno i poznavanje engleskog) kroz zanimljiv kviz na četiri nivoa težine sa pitanjima iz četiri oblasti: nauka, geografija, sport i muzika.

NAPOMENA: Na pitanje odgovarate usmeno (a odgovore možete i zapisati), a rubriku "Check the answer" otvarate SAMO radi PROVJERE odgovora, ili ako odgovor ne znate.

Nemoj da neko vara! Google nas sve posmatra. :)

A gdje je kviz? OVDJE, naravno.

Lebensmittel Memory Game

Koliko dobro poznajete njemački vokabular za hranu?

Želite provjeriti na zabavan način? Možete, i to OVDJE (na glavnom meniju kliknite na balon BON APPETITE - MEMORY GAME / GUTEN APPETIT! - MEMO-SPIEL)

London, Pt 1

Je li London zaista centar svijeta? Najspektakularniji grad na svijetu? Moguće.
Jedno je sigurno - minimalna je vjerovatnoća da ćete se iz Londona vratiti ravnodušni.

A šta o Londonu misle njegovi stanovnici, turisti, slučajni prolaznici? Šta im se najviše sviđa? Koja mjesta preporučuju? Šta misle o stanovnicima Londona?

Saznajte OVDJE.

Deutsches Alphabet

Jeste li već naučili slova njemačke abecede? Želite provjeriti? Možda ih tek želite naučiti? Kako bi bilo da to probate u vrlo jednostavnoj i zabavnoj aktivnosti?

Sve što trebate uraditi je kliknuti na slovo koje čujete. Ako sve uradite kako treba, dobit ćete kompletan crtež. A ako pogriješite...

Provjerite sami kako to ide OVDJE.

četvrtak, 17. srpnja 2014.

Beat the Keeper

Volite li fudbal? Koliko dobro poznajete fudbalske termine u engleskom? Želite li provjeriti i možda naučiti nešto novo?

Da biste provjerili svoje znanje, a usput se i zabavili, isprobajte igru Beat the Keeper. Ako želite savladati golmana, pokažite šta znate. Igru na tri nivoa možete igrati OVDJE. Koliko je golman savladiv?

Goldilocks and Three Bears

Bajke za djecu su štivo koje jednostavno nema rok trajanja. Ima li iko da ne zna priču o Zlatokosoj i tri medvjedića?

A kako bi bilo da djeca tu priču slušaju, gledaju i čitaju na engleskom? Priča je OVDJE.